about meprojectsblog // blueskyfediverse

here's a list of my current and former projects, including what i do/did.

cerii.moe (01/2021-)

this website has been in numerous places over the years, from neocities to github pages, to its current home right here. this is version 2.

studio arisu (06/2022-)

studio arisu is my single-person roblox development group, which lay dormant until recently. its only current project is unrouted, a story-driven hacking game set in the mid 2000's.

walmar694420 (04/2023)

while i wasn't there physically, i setup a few streams remotely from a continent away from a walmart location in the united states.

bad apple in roblox (08/2023)

got bored one night and decided to play bad apple's music video using roblox frames. during this, i used python to convert the images to a format i could use to play in-game. you can see the end result here.

2025 cerisey • also see noided.icu!